$3M Crowdfunding Raise on IndieGogo!

Last weekend, our IndieGogo crowdfunding campaign reached $3 million, an unexpected 3000% raise from our original $75,000 goal! While Pilot first raised $1M in 2.5 hours after its campaign launch – creating an unprecedented media buzz during which Pilot’s promotional video was viewed over 45M X on Facebook – the campaign was moved to IndieGogo Indemand platform allowing backers to continue purchasing Pilot.Now, with over $3 million raised in crowdfunding and a strong community of 13,000+ backers in pre-sale, we recently moved offices into New Lab, an interdisciplinary space located in the Brooklyn Navy Yards of New York City and dedicated to hardware startups. We’re also selecting final manufacturing partners to begin the stages of pre-production in Shenzhen, China and we’re equally excited to release the app next month and finally gather the community of backers around Pilot.Andrew Ochoa, CEO of Waverly Labs recently shared with the Press:

“We’re on a journey to create a world without language barriers, and our community has been extremely inspirational. They shared amazing stories and given us great examples of how they will use Pilot to speak with friends, family or anyone in their everyday lives. This is the first step in fulfilling a dream of an earpiece which translates everything around you, and we can’t wait to get Pilot into the hands and ears of everyone!”

This has been quite a journey and we couldn’t be more thankful for the support and feedbacks we receive from our community, every day. For more info about us, please email info@waverlylabs.com

Stay tuned!

--Team Waverly

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